Waste (Wales) Measure 2010

Published 19/08/2022   |   Last Updated 06/09/2022   |   Reading Time minutes

Member in charge: Jane Davidson AM - Minister for the Environment, Sustainability and Housing

Date of introduction: 22 February 2010

Date of Royal Approval: 15 December 2010

This Measure makes provision to reduce the amount of waste and litter in Wales and to contribute to the development of a more effective and sustainable approach to waste management arrangements. To achieve these aims, the Measure:

  • Amends Schedule 6 of the Climate Change Act 2008 to provide Welsh Ministers with a power to require retailers to pass on the net proceeds of a charge on single-use carrier bags to specified purposes or specified persons;
  • Establishes statutory targets for the percentage of a local authority’s municipal waste to be recycled, with the aim of ensuring that Wales becomes a “high recycling society”;
  • Provides Welsh Ministers with powers to establish other waste targets to be met by local authorities and to establish financial penalties in the event of non-compliance;
  • Provides Welsh Ministers with a power to ban or restrict the deposit of specified kinds of waste in a landfill in Wales; and
  • Provides Welsh Ministers with a power to make regulations about fees and charging schemes in relation to Site Waste Management Plans which will be introduced for the construction and demolition sector in Wales.


Measure as Introduced - 22 February 2010

Explanatory Memorandum at Introduction

On 9 February 2010, the Business Committee agreed, in accordance with standing orders,  to refer the proposed Measure to Legislation Committee No. 4, to consider and report on the general principles.

Stage 1 consideration by the Legislation Committee No. 4

Stage 1 report on the proposed Waste (Wales) Measure 2010 - 25 June 2010

Stage 2 Consideration by the Legislation Committee No. 4

Stage 3 & Stage 4 Consideration was in Plenary on 2 November 2010

Measure as enacted (legislation.gov.uk)


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