Consultation: Making laws in Wales clearer and easier to understand

Published 06/12/2018   |   Last Updated 06/12/2018

People are being asked for their opinions about a new Bill which aims to make Welsh laws more accessible and easier to understand.


The Legislation (Wales) Bill is being examined by the National Assembly’s Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee.

If passed it would mean the Welsh Government would have to set out how it will improve the accessibility of Welsh laws, which will enable people to find the law more straightforward to use.

Wales shares its statute book with England and that can make the law more complicated to understand.

The Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee of the Fourth Assembly concluded that a well-ordered and accessible statute book is key to the rule of law.

“It is widely accepted that the statute book is complex and disorganised and that even the most practiced and experienced of legislators can struggle to interpret it’s meaning,” said Mick Antoniw AM, Chair of the Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee.

“We intend to examine the Legislation (Wales) Bill closely to see if it is necessary, if it will do what it says it will, and if there are any unintended consequences which could arise as a result of this Bill becoming a law.

“We would welcome the views and ideas of anyone with an interest in this area to help inform our findings.”

Anyone wishing to contribute to the inquiry should visit the Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee web pages.

The closing date for the public consultation is 21 January 2019.