Guest blog - Prestatyn High School Petitions Committee visit

Published 26/11/2013   |   Last Updated 26/11/2013

Written by Daisy Major – Year 11 pupil at Prestatyn High School. On Monday 11 November, members of the National Assembly for Wales visited the school. Some pupils had spoken to the Assembly members about a petition to do with army recruitment. As a senior pupil I was invited to observe the meeting being held in the library. With the other pupils involved we listened to the committee discuss petitions and petitions from new petitioners. I found the day interesting, as I’m interested in politics as a whole, but also because I learnt about the difficulties facing some parts of the country. I also felt that if there was ever anything wrong in my area I could come before the petitions committee and petition for it to be changed. The section I found most interesting was the petitioners who had come in to talk about the problems they were having regarding hospitals. I found it fascinating to hear about the issues concerning ambulances, and how the golden hour (the first hour after injury, in which the most effective treatment can be given) could not possibly be applied to them in their community as the ambulances took so long to get to them after a 999 call. The last petition of the day was “Stop the army recruiting in schools” The committee chair invited pupils who had a view to give evidence about this issue. They then discussed that they thought the army were the only public service being given access to schools. I volunteered information about how other public services have had access to our school, including within a careers day and the “Crucial Crew” day in which we met and talked to employees from many different public sector organisations including the police and fire service. I enjoyed speaking and voicing my opinion, as I have watched debates and government meetings taking place before in visits to the National Assembly and the European parliament. I really enjoyed being a part of one and am grateful for the opportunity.