The Assembly in your Area – National Assembly for Wales Presentation, CPD at Pierhead, Cardiff Bay, 13 March 2012

Published 15/03/2012   |   Last Updated 15/03/2012

On March 13 Kevin Davies, National Assembly for Wales Outreach Manager for South West Wales, presented at an event for solicitors at the Pierhead in Cardiff Bay. He was accompanied by Gwyn Griffiths, Senior Legal Advisor at the National Assembly, giving participants an insight into the work of the National Assembly for Wales, as well as hearing their views on the current Constitution and Legislative Affairs Committee inquiry into the Establishment of a Separate Welsh Jurisdiction. The event was a Continuing Professional Development training day, aimed at solicitors across South Wales. Jonathan Cave, Relationship Manager at Lloyds TSB Commercial, arranged the event said: “From my own point of view, I found it interesting that many people had not been in the Pierhead before, many, including myself, were largely ignorant to the workings of the Assembly and had no idea how to interact with Officer/Committees. Yesterday gave us all a real insight and I got the impression that many people left with a very positive feeling about the Assembly.” His thoughts were echoed by one of the delegates present on the day: “‘I found the second two speakers very helpful first in giving an 'executive summary' of where we are with the Assembly and how far it has progressed over the last few years and secondly in providing an insight into the more arcane aspects of legal practice in the context of the legislative changes.”