Standards of Conduct Committee

The Standards of Conduct Committee has been set up by the Senedd to consider matters set out under Standing Order 22, particularly complaints referred to it by the Commissioner for Standards. It is also responsible for reviewing the code of conduct for Members of the Senedd, guidance on the code and complaints procedures, and rules for lobbying.

The Standards of Conduct Committee is looking to bring forward legislation before 2026 to introduce a ‘Recall’ process for Senedd members who are found to have breached the Standards process in the Senedd.

Following discussions with the Chair of Standards Committee, and its members, the Welsh Government will bring forward legislation before 2026 for the disqualification of Members and candidates found guilty of deliberate deception through an independent judicial process and will invite the Committee to make proposals to that effect.

The committee has also agreed to invite the MSs who tabled the amendment resulting in Section 64 being passed at Stage 2 of the Bill’s proceedings, together with a representative of the Welsh Conservative Group and the Welsh Liberal Democrat Member to contribute to the work of the Committee.


The Committee was established on 23 June 2021 to carry out the functions of the responsible committee set out in Standing Order 22.

Alternate Members

The Members of the Standards of Conduct committee are:

Where a Member is unable to act on a matter relating to a report from the Commissioner, an alternate Member can act (as set out in Standing Order 22.5). The alternate Members of the committee are:

Completed Work and Published Reports

Committee Members